Download Now!


Current Version: 2.30.0
Released on: 2024-06-27

Android - Google Play

Download now for your Android device.
> Requires Android 8 or later.

Download Android APK

Android - APK Download

Download now for your Android device.
> Requires Android 8 or later.
> You will be required to manually download and update future APK versions.


Current Version: 2.30.0
Released on: 2024-06-27

iOS Version

iOS - App Store

Download now for your iOS device.
> iPhone/iPad: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
> iPod touch: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.

MAC Version

Download for Mac OS

Download now for your MAC computer.
> 64 bit only.
> Native MAC app.


Current Version: 2.30.0
Released on: 2024-06-27

Windows Store Version

Install from Windows Store

Install now (from Windows Store) for your Windows computer.
> 64 bit only.
> Native Windows app.
> Requires Windows 10 version 10240.0 or later.

Windows Download Version

Download for Windows

Download now for your Windows computer.
> 64 bit only.
> Native Windows app.
> Requires Windows 10 version 10240.0 or later.

Windows Download Version (native)

Download for Windows*

Download now for your Windows computer.
* Works with VoIP Much only.
> 32 bit only.
> Native Windows app (v3.20.4).